Hello, and thank you for visiting our page!
We want to make you aware of a scam involving individuals falsely using our business name and images to promote a "work-from-home" program on Facebook, TikTok, and other platforms. Please know that Gannon's Antiques and Art is not hiring for any type of remote work.
If you believe you've been targeted by this scam, we recommend taking the following steps:
1) Contact your bank or financial institution immediately.
2) Report the fraudulent job listing to the platform where you were contacted.
We value your trust and apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Best regards,
Gannon's Antiques and Art
Phone: (239)-489-2211
Email: Gannonsantiques@gmail.com
We were featured in a Redfin article! Check it out here:
Your Ultimate Vintage Style Furniture Shopping List: 6 Pieces to Look Out For | Redfin